Dear members,
We are very happy to be able to advise you that Trevor, our CFI, Treasurer and Life member, has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. This prestigious award has been conferred for his decades of tireless and selfless dedication to Aviation. His contribution has spanned all sectors of the industry and he is universally acknowledged as a collaborative expert in the field. Trevor has worked assiduously to represent our interests and preserve our privileges as aviators at all administrative levels from club through to state and national regulatory bodies.
As a most worthy recipient of one of the highest honours in the land, we extend our whole-hearted congratulations to Trevor on the award of his Order of Australia.
Happy flying
Craig Bainbridge
Carol Browne
Acting Secretary
The 2022 Queen's Birthday Honours list recognises 992 Australians, including 669 in the General Division of the Order of Australia, and awards for meritorious, distinguished and conspicuous service.
Mr Trevor Henry BANGE, Clifton QLD 4361 For service to recreational flying and gliding.
Darling Downs Sport Aircraft Association / Lone Eagle Flying School
Chief Flying Instructor, since 2002.
Committee Member, 45 years mostly as Treasurer.
Life Member.
Organiser, Clifton Fly-In, since 1982.
Member, since 1976.
Head of Aircraft maintenance, since 2002.
Recreational Aviation Australia
Board Member, since 2013.
Chief Flying Instructor, since 2002.
Member, since 2002.
Darling Downs Soaring Club
Treasurer, 15 years.
Secretary, two years.
Airworthiness Officer, two years.
Member, since 1967.
Former Instructor.
Tug Pilot, 1967-2001.
Life Member, since 1989.
Gliding Federation Australia, Queensland
Director, Engineering and Instructor Training Courses,
Technical Officer, Airworthiness, for 7 years
Aviation - Other
Convenor, South Queensland, Regional Airspace and Procedures Advisory Committee (CASA), since 2016.
Glider Pilot, since 1963.
Member of South Queensland Regional Airspace and Procedures Committee (CASA,) since 2002.
Scouts Queensland
Supports Operation Nighthawk weekend through lending his property and airstrip, since 2007.
Committee Member and Treasurer, 2nd Toowoomba Scouts, 1986-1996.
Australian Air Force Cadets
34 years service, 1969-2003.
Former Instructor, Toowoomba, Queensland Air Training Corps Cadet Unit, 1970s.
Former Flight Commander, Gatton and Oakey, Queensland Air Training Corps Cadet Units.
Former Gliding Flight Instructor Queensland Air Training Corps Cadets 1973-2003.
Awards and recognition include:
Fred Hoinville Award, Gliding Federation Australia, 2001.
Justice of the Peace (Qualified), since 1973.