Cost to Obtain Your Pilot's Certificate
For budget purposes, allow an estimated $8,500, to obtain your pilots certificate, equivalent to the general aviation GFPT or RPL standard.
With this certificate you can operate as pilot in command up to a 25 nautical mile (45 km) distance from your base departure airfield. This estimated cost includes membership fees, student licenses, books, medicals, etc.
Cost to Obtain Your Cross Country Endorsement
To obtain your cross country endorsement, budget a further $7,000 approximately to cover all costs.
RAAus Membership and Certificate Costs
RAAus New Member Student Pilot (Joining Fee and 12 months membership) - $300.00
RAAus New Member Student Pilot under 18 years of age (Joining Fee and 12 months membership) - $214.00
Upgrade from Student Pilot to Pilot (excludes flying training) - $49.00
No ASIC and no medical costs.
Lone Eagle Flying School Membership Costs
Darling Downs Sport Aircraft Assn. Inc. / Lone Eagle Flying School per year - $66.00
Effective: 01 May 2023
All prices include GST.

Jabiru 160-C
Introductory Flight - Jabiru 160 - up to approx 30 minutes - $198.00
Training dual and supervised solo - Jabiru 160 - $231.00 hour *
Private Hire (fuel included) - Jabiru 160 (conditions apply) - $165.00 hour *
*LEFS Members only
All prices include GST.
Prices are current as at 1st August 2022 but are subject to change at short notice.
Introductory Flight up to approx 30 minutes - $198.00
Training dual and supervised solo - Drifter - $220.00 hour *
Private Hire (fuel included) - Drifter (conditions apply) - $154.00 hour *
*LEFS Members only
All prices include GST.
Prices are current as at 1st August 2022 but are subject to change at short notice.

Jabiru 230-C
Introductory Flight - Jabiru 230 - up to approx 30 minutes - $198.00
Training dual and supervised solo - Jabiru 230 - $258.50 hour *
Private Hire (fuel included) - Jabiru 230 (conditions apply) - $192.50 hour*
*LEFS Members only
All prices include GST.
Prices are current as at 1st August 2022 but are subject to change at short notice.