This is an interim newsletter to update to advise of upcoming date claimers.
Clifton Country Week
Saturday October 21 (this Saturday)
Some members will have a plane on display in the main street and be available answer questions from 7.00am.
Please call in if you are passing by.
Next Club Meeting
Saturday October 28 – 10.00am
Followed by an information session about the use of OzRunways at 11.00am.
A BBQ will follow the presentation.
Club Christmas Party
Saturday December 9.
More details to follow.
Flying High
From the Darling Downs Sports Aircraft Association
Committee Positions Recently Filled at the AGM
President: Craig Bainbridge
Vice President: Ben Whitby
Secretary: Carol Browne
Treasurer: Trevor Bange
Committee Members: Aaron Handford, Richard Wunsch, Dave Donald
A full update of all positions will be in the next newsletter
Any contributions for the newsletter please contact:
Rex or Narelle McBride
Ph 0403 494 612